2013年2月26日 星期二

#TopSecret: Siapa Syaitan sebenar?!


Semua pertuduhan projek IC sebelum ini diHALAKAN terus kepada Pendatang orang ISLAM!

DIHALAKAN TERUS Kepada kepimpinan NAJIB TUN RAZAK! , walhal siapa sebenarnya dibelakang projek IC ini. 

Kenapa Projek IC terhadap orang Cina SENYAP sehingga beribu-ribu-ribu orang senyap??!  

"Pendatang dari China ini bukan sahaja mendapat kewarganegaraan Malaysia, malah ada di antara mereka mendapat TARAF BUMIPUTERA SABAH seperti mana yang dimiliki oleh YB Jimmy Wong dari DAP. Walaupun kedua ibu bapanya adalah dari kaum Cina dan tidak sepatutnya mendapat tarafan BUMIPUTRA!!! ." -mymassa

Dokumen penting didedah! !!!! 

Mari kita Translate pendedahan daripada http://anotherbrickinwall.blogspot.com/2013/02/project-ic-for-chinese.html . 



PKR mendakwa Najib membawa masuk 300,000 Bugis daripada Sulawesi ke Sabah untuk menjamin kemenangan BN


Najib menjadi PM pada tahun 2009.

Mengikut Statistik 2002-2012, hanya 7,489 IC yang dikeluarkan kepada Bangsa Bugis yang telah lama menetap di Sabah! Mana 300,000 seperti yang difitnah pembangkang?! 


Kebanyakan IC diberikan kepada adalah kepada Orang Islam. 


Bangsa Cina yang memperolehi IC adalah yang paling TINGGI! Sepanjang 1964 - 2012 , seramai 28, 092 IC dikeluarkan kepada bangsa CINA. Pecahan seperti berikut: 

(1964-2002 seramai 27,433 orang)

(2002-2012 seramai 659 orang) 

Sedangkan mereka yang dianggap Melayu termasuklah Melayu Brunei, Bugis, Banjar, Jawa dan Minangkabau hanya lah seramai 14,003 penerima kewarganegaraan! Mana 300,000 tu pembangkang???! 

Kenapa senyap??! Kenapa senyap bila ianya menguntung DAP!??! 

Translated From: http://anotherbrickinwall.blogspot.com/2013/02/project-ic-for-chinese.html 

In this table, the number considered as Malays, which include Brunie Malays, Bugis, Banjar, Banjar, Jawa, and Minangkabau in 14,003.

The highest number among the ethnic Malays is the Bugis is 10,575.

This is interesting because there is a new PKR politician going around claiming Dato Najib brought in 300,000 of his Bugis clan from Sulawesi. Najib came to power in 2009 but the number of bugis given ICs for 2002-2012 is only 7,489.

That is the glaring weakness in most of PKR allegations. They are based on false fact.

The Chinese is still the highest number. The number of those categorised as Chinese is 28,092. To include all other Chinese sub-ethics, the numbers adds up to 28,893.

There is a total of 437 Indians.

The Pakistanis that is allegedly being given ICs by the thousands by Dato Musa Aman whose got Pakistani, Kadazan and Malay bloods in only 153!

The total of 43,507 is still short by 23,176 but could likely to be made out of the long list of ethnic groups of Sabah and Southern Phillipines. Thus, it is sufficient to assume that the Chinese at 28,893 is the major beneficiary of the program to solve the citizenship problem. .

In Sabah, the Chinese controls the economy and two Chinese - Dato Chong Kah Kiat (2001-2003) and Dato Yong Teck Lee (1996-98) - was at the pinnacle of power as Sabah Chief Minister. 

Since the information is not exactly pinpointing how many Chinese were given for each year, the Sabahans may like to ask them if they had approve the large number of  Chinese to be citizens. 

Under the various agreements and discussion panels in the formation of Malaysia, issuance of citizenship in Sabah require the Sabah government approval i.e. Chief Minister.

