2013年5月4日 星期六


Sebelum anda pergi mengundi, bacalah artikel yang dibuat untuk renungan Masyarakat Melayu di Malaysia sebagai pengajaran berguna, agar kita tidak silap memilih. 

Sungguh bijak caranya. Orang yang selalu melahirkan anak yang ramai sudah tentunya orang-orang Melayu kan?

Tentu anda terpinga-pinga bagaimana Kerajaan Chauvisme PAP Singapura melaksanakannya? 

Dalam erti kata kepada keseluruhan penduduknya , namun ini adalah langkah untuk mengekalkan kedudukan peratusan komposisi kaum di Singapura seperti komposisi ini: 

    Komposisi etnik (%) daripada populasi penduduk

Sumber: Jabatan Statistik Singapura. 

Maka , untuk kekalkan peratusan komposisi agar Melayu tidak akan menjadi Majoriti dan semakin merosot di Singapura, satu dasar telah dan pernah diperkenalkan PAP (Abg DAP) terhadap keseluruhan rakyatnya ! 


Ini dia dasar nya....Berhenti Melahirkan Anak kepada dua sahaja!  

Stop at Two

In the late 1960s, Singapore was a developing nation and had not yet undergone the demographic transition; though birth rates fell from 1957 to 1970, in 1970, birth rates rose as women who were themselves the product of the postwar baby boom reached maturity. Fearing that Singapore's growing population might overburden the developing economy, Lee started a vigorous Stop at Two family planning campaign.Abortion and sterilisation were legalised in 1970, and women were urged to get sterilised after their second child. Women without an O-level degree, deemed low-income and lowly-educated, were offered by the government seven days' paid sick leave and $10,000 SGD in cash incentives to voluntarily undergo the procedure.[5][9][13]
A historical poster from the widespread "Stop at Two" campaign, which created many posters across different languages that were displayed in schools, hospitals and public workplaces.
The government also added a gradually increasing array of disincentives penalising parents for having more than two children between 1969 and 1972, raising the per-child costs of each additional child:[5][14]
  • Workers in the public sector would not receive maternity leave for their third child or any subsequent children
  • Hospitals were required to charge incrementally higher fees for each additional child.
  • Income tax deductions would only be given for the first two children
  • Large families were penalised in housing assignments.
  • Third or fourth children were given lower priorities in education;
  • Top priority in top-tier primary schools would be given only to children whose parents had been sterilised before the age of forty.

